

Friday, 6 May 2016

Media Kartu Domino Pengetahuan


Fauzi, Muhammad Ikhwan. 2015. The Development of Domino Card Media of Knowledge for Class I on the Theme My Activity Sub Theme Morning Activities Curriculum 2013 at SDN Kebondalem Mojosari Mojokerto. Thesis. Education Elementary School Teacher. University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Advisor (I)  Drs. Triman Juniarso, M.Pd., (II) Dr. Nurmida Catherine Sitompul, S.Hut., M.Pd.
Keyword: development, instructional media, domino card of knowledge

            This research was distributed by the development of knowlegde an information technological advancemens that affecting the application of learning strategies right now. With the progress, such as a wide variety of media advances learning has been created in order to help educators in conveying appropriate teaching materials. One of the right innovation is to optimize the use of media in learning process. The use of appropriate media, such as Domino Card Media of Knowledge can support material delivery more effectively and mediate learning to become more dynamic
            The problem formulation in this research is “Need to be developed the learning media Domino Card of Knowledge for calass I on the Theme My Activity Sub Theme Morning Activities Curriculum 2013”. The goal is to produce media content designed to support the learning process and provide a positive contribution and provide opportunities to learners to be more active in the learning process.
            Developmentis the process of producing a product. In this study researcher aims to produce a product in the form of learning media in the form of media Domono Card of Knowledge. These learning product will be validated by experts the learning media and learning media practitioner to get feedback or suggestions to any component of the product. Some suggestions are appropriate, according to researcher have been made by researcher to revise product development.

            Product Media of Domino Card of Knowledge was tested in 31 elementary school students. Where the student response rate was 90 % or qualifies the criteria very well, so that the development of products has become the last product and no needed for further revision.

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